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Whoo is that? All about Owls – John Glitsos

May 3 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Everybody loves owls! Their silent flight, big yellow eyes, heads that spin around, and unmatched beauty intrigue us all. Now, you can find out more – how many owls are in Arizona? Which ones will eat my pets (given the opportunity), and how heavy of an animal can they carry?

John has been working with owls in both a rehab and exhibition capacity for nearly 30 years. If things go right, he will have an ambassador owl with him and ask him to fly over the audience! Talk about cool!

The program begins at 6 PM and will end around 7:30. School-age kids should enjoy the presentation as much as adults. Its a great chance to ask an expert questions and experience these magnificent hunters in person.

Members are free! Non-members are $5 per adult. Children 12 and under are free!


May 3
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm