White Mountain Nature Center Board of Directors:

John Glitsos – President

After a long career in the corporate world, I found an amazing connection with nature by embracing Raptor training for public education as a ‘hobby’!

I have been working with Raptors for nearly 25 years starting with rescues, then education, and finally in training and performing in educational bird shows.  The Nature Center has given me the ability to put this experience and my experience as a Fortune 500 Corporate Executive to use creating unique and exciting opportunities for the public to see and interact with these amazing animals in an up-close and personal way. 

My goal is to bring world-class nature exploration and up-close animal experiences to the White Mountains of Arizona – with a special focus on young people and families. The Nature Center is evolving to meet the future with an aggressive transition to a modern educational facility that serves thousands of individuals and families annually. I plan to continue that direction so that the Nature Center is the place to visit, volunteer, and explore the beauty and abundance of the White Mountains.

Jim Snitzer – Vice President

My volunteer experience with the Nature Center started in 2006, when we were still in “the tent.”   I have seen many positive changes through the years and am very excited about our future.  Currently I serve on the board and volunteer with both the Nature Center and with Land on Sky, where I am a bird poop scooper!   At the Nature Center I mostly work on facilities issues from maintenance to securing leases.

Barbara Ross – Secretary

I have been a hands-on outdoor person who loves animals and nature for as long as I can remember. Most of my volunteer work for the past 40 years has been for community, from working with the Girl Scouts, to serving on my HOA board, to cleaning a kitty rescue facility, to working with arts councils; so, the opportunity to combine community with nature is exciting.

I jumped at the unique chance to volunteer in the Raptor Center and will continue here! The Nature Center is a true ambassador to our residents and visitors,  for all the natural wonders our Community has to offer. I am proud to be a part of educating and inspiring appreciation, responsibility and respect for nature, for children and adults. I have a diverse and rich background to draw from and will work hard to be a contributing partner in the Nature Center’s endeavors.  “In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” John Muir

Nadia Hill – Treasurer

“When I am in the forest, I can finally hear myself”

I have lived across the US , exploring, owning and managing businesses in various fields. I am outgoing and love helping humans and animals.  Years ago I was inspired by working as a volunteer for the State of NY, helping take disabled adults on a week- long camping trip cemented a passion for helping others and accessing nature’s soul- filling experiences.

Camping as a den leader for Cub Scouts, working at the Community Garden and my own heavily treed property, and spending time in our local forests has enhanced my desire to use all my skills to help the Nature Center meet its goal of connecting people to nature.


Betsy Peck – Schools and Summer Programs

I am  an AZ  public school educator  , retired since 2019.  Having taught  from Kindergarten  to community college , focusing on early childhood development, I have a passion for children’s literature and nature.  Since2006 the WM have been my full-time  home, and upon  retiring from teaching , I have been at the library since 2020.  Managing the library is my pleasure as I have a phenomenal staff, and a love of books and community.  I am expanding the library’s  impact in our community by partnering with the WMNC  to serve on the Board and collaborate to bring programs and events to our town.   I have served on First Things First Regional Partnership Council , Northland Pioneer College,  Faculty in Early Childhood  Development,  as well as been a part of numerous  professional organizations and school districts. Birds of prey and raptors are one of my favorite wild animal species, and I am thrilled to have a raptor experience at the WMNC for education and enrichment  for all ages.


Rebecca Willis-Zaremba – Volunteer Coordinator

I am a native Arizonan.  I have loved nature, from walking next to a stream, camping in the deep forest, or throwing a rod in the lake. As long as I’m outside, I’m a happy camper.  I enjoy the challenges of gardening at high altitude with a short growing season. None of which I have mastered, it is a work in progress. We moved here 5 years ago.  Living amongst the trees and being able to fish within minutes of our home is heaven on earth.

I served in public safety for 28 years with the Tempe Police Department.  It has always been my passion to help others. I oversee the Volunteers in Policing for the Pinetop-Lakeside Police Department.  These volunteers help with public safety at the various events held in Pinetop-Lakeside throughout the year.

I have been involved in bird counts and watching golden eagle nests while we lived in Oregon. Being on the Nature Center’s board will provide me the opportunity to help connect people to the great outdoors in just about any capacity. I will end with a quote from Frank Lloyd Wright.  “Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature.  It will never fail you”.


Ron Miller

I retired as a Supervisory Forester after a 35-year career with the federal government.
I have a Bachelor’s degree in Forest Management and a Master’s degree in Natural Resources Management and am also a Certified Silviculturist.

I recently completed a series of 25 magazine articles (accompanied by 110 of my photos)
for The Maverick Magazine entitled the “Magnificent Trees of the White Mountains”.
I love hiking and mountain climbing and have climbed the highest peak in all of the contiguous 48 states. I also walked the 500-mile Camino de Santiago
across northern Spain. My travels have been world-wide and have taken me to over 60 countries and all 7 continents.


Kal Mannis


Sharen (Sherrie) Adams



Mary Ellen Bittorf – Founder

I am an Arizona native born in Phoenix AZ. I attended school across the state in Prescott, Casa Grande, Yuma and Tucson. I have been married to my husband Chuck for 71 years and we are blessed with 6 children, 15 grandchildren, 17 Great grandchildren and  2 Great-Great grandchildren They are the loves of my life.

I moved to Pinetop in 1970.  Over the next 55 years:

I chaired the committee to incorporate Pinetop/Lakeside and served on the first Pinetop Lakeside Town Council.

I served 3 years as Vice Mayor of the Town,  President of Pinetop Lions,  President of White Mountains Horseman’s Association, President of the White Mountains Square Dancers, President of Pinetop Chamber of Commerce, and 3 years Secretary for Silent Witness.

I also served 3 years POM sponsor at Blue Ridge High School, 3 years on Pinetop Lakeside Sanitary Board, 3 years on AZ Outdoor Recreation Committee, 5 years on the Four Corners Heritage Committee.

In 2003, I started the committee to form a Nature Center. The Nature Center was Incorporated as a 501(c)(3) in 2004.

Some people can change history.  My life’s goals have been to make the world around me better because I was here.


Our President, John M. Glitsos

Our Board of Directors is comprised of volunteers, just like you, that love nature, the environment, and the beauty of the White Mountains area!

Be a Volunteer!