
425 S. Woodland Road
Lakeside, AZ 85929

White Mountain Nature Center

The White Mountain Nature Center, a non profit educational organization, originated in 2004. Land was purchased in 2007 and the initial phase of the project was completed in 2012.

Today we operate a significant complex of nature-oriented buildings, a Nature oriented store, and nature exhibits. We are becoming a community center and resource for all things environmental and nature oriented.

What we are not – an animal rehabilitation organization. We do not have permits for taking animals from the wild and rehabilitating them. If you encounter a situation involving an injured or sick wild animal please contact Arizona Game and Fish, Pinetop office at (928) 367-4281. Most of the time, the best thing that can be done for wild animals is to leave them alone. That is especially true for babies who you may believe are orphaned. The parents are almost always nearby waiting for you to leave!

Help us grow

Our community service goals include the following:

  • Integrate our work and the work of supporting organizations to educate our visitors and encourage responsible action to better steward the natural resources which we all share and care about.
  • Be an economic benefit to communities we serve by providing additional revenues from areas outside of the White Mountains.
  • Commit to and advocate sustainable multiple use of our lands and resources.
  • Provide a world-class Raptor Training Exhibition to draw visitors from surrounding communities and throughout the state to the Center.
  • Maintain displays that highlight the biological diversity of the White Mountains for visitors and residents.

Our vision

One day everyone visiting or living in the White Mountains will enjoy and appreciate the Natural World surrounding them.

To achieve our Vision, OUR MISSION is:

Connecting people with nature through experiences that inspire appreciation for the Natural World.

(our focus is in the White Mountains of Arizona)


  1. Active engagement as a characteristic of all our offerings
  2. Appreciation of natural diversity
  3. Promotion of good environmental stewardship
  4. Provide a meeting center for our surrounding communities
  5. Remain current and relevant


  1. Be a regional clearinghouse for all things environmentally related.
  2. Offer activities to foster sound resource stewardship.
  3. Promote sustainable living, green building, healthy forest and firewise principles.
  4. Diversify and promote a healthy local economy.
  5. Be a place where people have FUN learning about and discovering nature.